Season 1 | Episode 10: The Hunt for Zoran

Anna Pihl

Drama/Crime, Denmark 2006

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Anna and Mikala must make a phantom drawing of the man who stabbed Martin in the Park, but Mikala fears her connection to Stavro will be exposed if his henchman, Zoran, is caught. So she makes sure the drawing doesn't resemble Zoran at all. She changes her mind, however, that she can see how upset Anna is. It's not long after the real drawing is sent out before Zoran is tracked down at the docks. The Police Action Task Force searches a boat he is supposed to be on, but he is not there. Suddenly Anna sees him, though, and with Kim's help, Zoran is not allowed to escape. When Zoran is brought into the station, he manages to take Mikala hostage and entrench himself in the weapons room. Anna talks and negotiates with Zoran while the task force is on its way, but when Zoran begins to hint that he knows something about Mikala's illegalities, she grabs a gun and shoots him. While Martin recovers in hospital after several operations, Anna has done so well as a negotiator that she is offered a place on the police negotiating team. Meanwhile, Mads has finally decided to take responsibility in his liquor case. Mikala also learns that Stavro has left Denmark.
42 min
FSK 16
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Adam Price


Rasmus Thorsen


Charlotte Munck (Anna Pihl)

Iben Hjejle (Mikala Hansen)

Peter Mygind (Jan Bøttger)

Paw Henriksen (Kim Blomberg)

Henrik Birch (Ole)

Kurt Ravn (Henning Pihl)

Tammi Øst (Eva Fabricius)

William Hagedorn-Rasmussen (Mikkel Pihl)

Original language:



16:9 SD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 16 (Violence)

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