We Will Not Fade Away

Everyday life/War, Ukraine/Czechia 2023

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In We Will Not Fade Away, we follow five Ukrainian teenagers growing up in small towns in a coal mining district. Like the teens the world over, they do the 400 blows, they fight against the boredom and the multiple frustrations of finding out who you are, and how to live. But these teens are in Donbas, where the war has been going on for years. Not only the region is ravaged by economic decline, but fighting rages constantly in the background – and sometimes much closer. They battle to find their way through the hopelessness and confusion: through drawing, photography, music. Above all, through friendship. They rebel and go on an adventure, through the minefields, between the coal pits, they play in ruined houses, trying to make the most of the last golden hours of childhood. Then, as they dream of escape, an unexpected invitation arrives. How would they like to visit Nepal, and hike through the foothills of the Himalayas? Suggests them a famous Ukrainian traveller. Suddenly, there is a light in the darkness. They train hard to make this impossible- seeming dream a reality, recording their efforts in video diaries. As the situation in their homeland worsens, the threat of a full-scale Russian invasion looms. Can the hopes and dreams of these young people survive?
100 min
Starting at 13
Audio language:


Odesa International Film Festival 2023 National Competition - Director Best Documentary Film in the Field of Human Rights Protection
One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival 2023 International Competition Program
Docudays UA International Documentary Human Rights Film Festival 2023 Best Film

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Alisa Kovalenko


Wojciech Frycz

Sound Design:

Maria Nesterenko

Original title:

Ми не згаснемо

Original language:


Further titles:

Expedition 49

Mēs nepazudīsim

Експедиція 49

Мы не погаснем


1.85:1 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 13

Audio language:


