Raspberries with Mustard

Everyday life/Humor, Germany/Luxembourg 2022

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Meeri (13) is the daughter of an undertaker and has a special relationship with life and death. She talks to every corpse as if it were a good friend and cheats a letter to her deceased mother into every coffin. Meeri believes that this way her mother can read what Meeri is thinking and feeling and doing here on earth in heaven, because she has a special talent – she can fly, because love gives you wings! However, she can't always control her flying. Especially not when Rocco (16) is around. Whenever she sees him, she takes off. Meeri's allies have their own problems. Her friend KLARA (13) wants to become the world's first Catholic priestess. Her brother LUK (8) is dangerously messing with the local bike gang. And her father ERNST (43) is looking for a new wife and mother for his children through a dating agency. And to top it all off, she has to realize that Rocco does not return her feelings. Before Meeri realizes that puberty is not half as bad when you share your thoughts and feelings with earthly people, a lot will happen: Jesus on the cross will be illuminated, her brother will almost drown in the swamp, the new mother is already heavily pregnant and promptly has a baby, someone will die in the chicken coop with a chicken on their lap, raspberries will be mixed with mustard , an embarrassing song is sung at the summer party, someone knows the best kiss trick in the world – and that SOMEONE falls in love with Meeri, namely Rocco's brother – and he is the RIGHT ONE for her.


Münster.Land 2007 Screenplay Award

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Ruth Olshan


Helge Slikker

Sound Design:

Daniel Weis


Leni Deschner (Meeri)

Luc Schiltz (Ernst)

Jonas Kaufmann (Rocco)

Inge Maux (Grete)

Fabienne Elaine Hollwege (Charlotte)

Anouk Wagener (Franziska)

Original title:

Himbeeren mit Senf

Original language:



2.39:1 HD, Color

Age recommendation of the KJF:

Starting at 10 years

Age rating:


Audio language:
