Fly Away

Romance/Drama, Germany 2012

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Proud Annegret Simon (Angelica Domröse) is new to the retirement home. The change of scenery doesn't suit her very well. And rightly so, knows Mr. Tiedgen (Otto Sander), who would also rather live alone than be looked after. Exercise therapy and reading afternoons are the epitome of boredom for him. When the residents of the retirement home are invited to a sightseeing flight in a propeller plane, Tiedgen has an idea with which he hopes to impress the beautiful Annegret. As soon as the plane is in the air, he disappears into the cockpit and comes out again shortly afterwards as the new captain. By democratic vote, the group decides on their own abduction: to the sea. They want to escape, to be free, to give their longings and dreams perhaps their last chance. But the hijacking does not go unnoticed. While the press and the police speculate, the old people fly further and further south - until they run out of fuel. Directed by comedy specialist Bernd Böhlich ("Du bist nicht allein") and acted by the big names of German cinema, "Bis zum Horizont, dann links!" succeeds in telling the story of an adventurous journey that changes everything - no matter how old you are. A heartwarming comedy full of wit, touching moments and love of life.
90 min
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Bernd Böhlich


Andreas Hoge


Otto Sander (Eckehardt Tiedgen)

Angelica Domröse (Margarete Simon)

Ralf Wolter (Willy Stronz)

Marion van de Kamp (Fanny Dè Artong)

Us Conradi (Hanny Dè Artong)

Monika Lennartz (Evelyn Miesbach)

Herbert Feuerstein (Herbert Miesbach)

Anna Maria Mühe (Nurse Amelie)

Tilo Prückner (Tractor)

Robert Stadlober (Wednesday)

Stephan Grossmann (Dr. Friedhelm Simon)

Herbert Köfer (Klaussner)

Steffi Kühnert (Shelter manager)

Original title:

Bis zum Horizont, dann links

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color


FBW "especially valuable"

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