Cabinets of Wonder

Family/Everyday life, Germany 2021

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Four children between the ages of 11 and 14 take us on a journey into their secret world. There is no bullying, no racism and no money. But plenty to discover: dandelion fights, experiences of an escape, cat people and blue-shining crawling beetles. Wisdom, a boy with Cameroonian heritage, Joline, the girl who never wants to grow up, Elias, who lives on his own planet, and Roya, who came to Germany from Iran five years ago, travel to a fantastic place where they can be themselves without a care in the world. Although very different, they have one thing in common in their everyday lives in Germany: they don't quite fit into the framework of our society. They stand out, they cause trouble, and they often don't feel like they belong. Adult society has various labels for this: migration background, autism or learning disabilities. Our children break these pigeonholes, in the song they wrote it says: "You're not weird or different, you're unique, show that!" For the film CABINETS OF WONDER they wrote and composed their own music, built props, made up stories and, above all, revealed their dreams and fears. It has become their film - a fantastic world that they want to share with other children.
Audio language:


Filmfest München Children's Section: Special Mention

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Susanne Kim


Susanne Kim

Sound Design:

Maximilian Pongratz


Marion Tuor

Original title:

Meine Wunderkammern

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age recommendation of the KJF:

Starting at 8 years


FBW "valuable"

Age rating:


Audio language:
