Season 1 | Episode 1: The Battle of the Broomsticks

The Worst Witch

Drama/Family, United Kingdom/Canada 1998

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What kind of witch is that who can't even do magic properly? Right: A lousy witch! The arrival of Mildred Hoppelt at Frau Graustein's witches' academy is anything but glamorous: First she is late, then her flight over the school gate with the witches' broom turns into a disaster. In any case, Mildred always gets dizzy when riding the broom, her spells usually go wrong, and not even Mildred's cat Tapsi is black according to witch regulations. Mildred would like to leave the venerable walls of the witches' boarding school again after some harassment from the extremely strict witch teacher Mrs. Hardbroom. Luckily, her friends help her, with whom she somehow conjures her way through the magical everyday life. Mildred's start at the Witch Academy is anything but good. First she is late, and when she tries to fly over the closed school gate, she falls into the assembled teachers. Her new class teacher is anything but enthusiastic about this, and besides, her witches' broom is broken. It gets stuck, but it gets worse: the young witches have to take a broom-flying exam. And Mildred even gets dizzy while riding the merry-go-round! Will she overcome this first hurdle?
25 min
Audio language:


Young Artist Awards 2000 Best Performance in a TV Comedy Series Leading Young Actress - Georgina Sherrington

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Andrew Morgan


Martin Riley


Jill Murphy (Children's Book "The Worst Witch")


Ian Whitehead


Kate Duchêne (Constance Hardbroom)

Emma Brown (Maud Moonshine)

Clare Coulter (Amelia Cackle)

Claire Porter (Imogen Drill)

Harshna Brahmbhatt (Jadu Wali)

Holly Rivers (Drusilla Paddock)

Georgina Sherrington (Mildred Hubble)

Joanna Dyce (Ruby Cherrytree)

Original language:


Further titles:

Čarodějnice školou povinné

De Hopeloze Heks

Scuola di streghe


4:3 HD, Color

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