Toumast – Guitars and Kalashnikovs

Music/Society, Switzerland 2011

Toumast – Between Guitar and Kalashnikovs retraces part of the contemporary history of the Tuaregs. A fragmented history, made of suffering, wanderings, revolts and injustice, but also travel, reassurances and hope. Moussa Ag Keyna, ex-rebel and musician, guides us on these complex and random trajectories. Fascinated by these men of the desert, Dominique Margot had long wanted to devote a film to them: "The art of surviving in the wilderness with nothing and be their own shadow is what formed the inhabitants of the Sahara, the Tuaregs, for centuries. The blue men still represent freedom, pride and nomadism in Western imagination and that although over the last hundred years the Tuareg have been greatly weakened by colonialism, exclusions, insurrections and famine and are almost lost as a people in the large gap between tradition and modernity."
89 min
Starting at 12
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16:9 HD, Color

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Starting at 12

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