The Last Half Year

Youth Film/School, Germany 2016

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Between Kassel and Fulda is a stretch of land more or less affectionately known as Hessian Siberia. The climate there is harsh, the buses rarely run and the roads wind past villages called Schrecksbach and Knüll. This is where Josh, Laura, Hannah, Philipp, Tobi and Leonie are growing up. They are just turning 16, riding emotional roller coasters and leaving school after the summer vacations to try their luck in high school somewhere else. "The Last Six Months" tells the story of what they experience during this time before graduation, what they fight for, what decisions they make, fall in love and are disappointed, ask themselves what they actually want from life and find their own answers to these questions or sometimes remain at a loss. The documentary accompanies six tenth graders shortly before graduation: their lives revolve around school, friendship and love. The search for individuality and group membership holds conflicts, confused feelings, happiness and disappointments. Anna Wahle penetrates deeply but carefully into the lives of the young people, observing them with respect, empathy and never from the superior-distant perspective of the adult. She also leaves the voice-over commentary to her protagonists, who confide their intimate thoughts, wishes and worries to the audience like a diary. Not only for a young audience: Even beyond adolescence, one recognizes oneself and remembers life at 15. (Source: LUCAS - International Festival for Young Film Fans 2016)
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Anna Wahle


Anna Wahle


Meike Martens

Original language:



16:9 SD, Color

Age recommendation of the KJF:

Starting at 12 years

Age rating:


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