Wild Baltic Sea, 3-part nature film documentary | Episode 1: From Denmark to Latvia

Wild Baltic Sea

Nature/Environment, Germany 2017

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Three-part documentary about the youngest sea on earth, the Baltic Sea, and its diverse flora and fauna as well as the picturesque coasts of the riparian states. The first episode takes you from Denmark's northern tip via the Darß and the Curonian Spit to the endless beaches of Latvia. - The journey begins at the gateway to the Baltic Sea at Denmark's northernmost tip: Skagen. In June, hundreds of seals gather on a lonely island between Denmark and Sweden. The Fischland-Darß-Zingst peninsula attracts tens of thousands of cranes in autumn. Red deer wander through the lagoons past the cranes to their rutting grounds. Finally, on the Curonian Spit, one of the largest dunes in Europe separates the lagoon from the Baltic Sea. This is the home of many white-tailed eagles. Only a few kilometres further north lie the most beautiful beaches of the Baltic Sea: Latvia's coast is still pristine and almost deserted...
44 min
Starting at 6
Audio language:


Green Screen International Wildlife Film Festival 2017 Nordic Nature Film Award Episode: Von Dänemark bis Lettland

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Original title:

Wilde Ostsee

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 6

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