Lilly's grandmother gives her a trip to Amsterdam as a birthday present. But when her father refuses to go with her because of his application for Yokohama, it comes to a final clash. Lilly runs away from home. Her friends have no idea where she might be and the Pfefferkorn parents are also looking for her without success. Lilly visits her mother's grave in the cemetery with her dog Fee, not realizing that she is being watched by a gang of girls who have set their sights on her new jacket. Lilly flees from the three girls into the cellar of an abandoned house. The dilapidated building threatens to be her undoing when an old supporting beam traps her leg and the ceiling threatens to collapse. Yeliz's hunch that Lilly might have fled to the cemetery proves to be correct. An old woman witnessed Lilly's escape and points out the girls. Laurenz manages to get the gang to reveal the direction in which Lilly ran. They find her and quickly call the fire brigade because the cellar door cannot be opened and the collapse is getting closer and closer.
Lilly's grandmother gives her a trip to Amsterdam as a birthday present. But when her father refuses to go with her because of his application for Yokohama, it comes to a final clash. Lilly runs away from home. Her friends have no idea where she might be and the Pfefferkorn parents are also looking for her without success. Lilly visits her mother's grave in the cemetery with her dog Fee, not realizing that she is being watched by a gang of girls who have set their sights on her new jacket. Lilly flees from the three girls into the cellar of an abandoned house. The dilapidated building threatens to be her undoing when an old supporting beam traps her leg and the ceiling threatens to collapse. Yeliz's hunch that Lilly might have fled to the cemetery proves to be correct. An old woman witnessed Lilly's escape and points out the girls. Laurenz manages to get the gang to reveal the direction in which Lilly ran. They find her and quickly call the fire brigade because the cellar door cannot be opened and the collapse is getting closer and closer.