Swiss Films: The meticulous view

Meaningful films come from Switzerland, especially documentaries

Switzerland has a long, impressive film tradition. After the first "golden age" of Swiss film before the Second World War, classic works by directors such as Leopold Lindtberg, Kurt Früh or Franz Schnyder emerged after the end of the war and made history. Then, at the beginning of the 1970s, Alain Tanner, Michel Soutter, Claude Goretta and Thomas Koerfer - to name just a few of many, important feature film directors - made their first films. Extraordinary documentarists also began their work in those years: in addition to Kurt Gloor and Alexander J. Seiler, directors such as Richard Dindo, Peter Amman, Fredi Murer, Yves Yersin and many others shaped Swiss documentary film with their precise views of reality. So it is no coincidence that in a list of best films more than a third of the titles are documentaries. Christian Frei ("War Photographer"): "The meticulous - it suits us!" Our collection on Swiss film also presents some feature films, but mainly documentaries: outstanding works with a close look at the world. Of course, such a view also distinguishes the feature films, which are characterised by a special, unmistakable atmosphere.

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